This question is surely too stupid to be on any FAQ (I did look though..)..
As I understand it my 1993 Protege's manual transmission oil is drained through some "big bolt" on the bottom of the transmission, and the gear oil is added through the speedo cable hole...? I'm sure I'll be able to find the Big Bolt.
Could someone try to explain where the speedo cable connects to the transmission? Which side, how far from top (or bottom), etc.
Until this past week I had never turned a wrench before, but somehow I managed to change my own oil AND replace a tail light bulb all in one day, so I have been walking around all day with my chest way out, a ratchet in my back pocket and a pack of smokes up my t-shift's sleeve. I thought that since I'm on a roll I should tackle the transmission fluid since the original owner doesn't recall ever having it changed.
Also is there any sort of trick to getting the speedo cable back in?