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Hear "scraping" sound when turning wheel

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    Hear "scraping" sound when turning wheel

    I don't know what happened lol. My protege has a scraping sound when I turn the wheel. Its not really loud but its def noticeable. Its about as loud as snapping my fingers. I check the power sterrring and thats just fine. I dont know any other things to check... O yea .. my horn doesn' work either but I know I have a worn out pad..

    Any helpw ill be apprecated

    if its only at slow speeds then chances are its bad cv joints


      It happens are all speeds lol.


        wheel rubbing the outer or inner fender?


          nah I dont think so... I mean its even the simpliest turns .. not even a turn.. I could be switchign lanes and hearing it. It sounds like it comes from the steering wheel or dash not from the fenders


            Maybe I should say it sounds more like a screetch/scrap sound.. like scraping a metal clothes hanger on something else thats metal..


              Its not to hard to take the dash apart. You should just spend an hour or two checking it out.


                what exactly should I be looking for?


                  Maybe something has come loose under the dash. I'm not sure exactly, it wouldn't hurt to look.


                    Before you go ripping the dash apart, check to make sure that your backing plates aren't rubbing on your rotors.

                    Horn pads are cheap, just go to the dealership and buy one.


                      Originally posted by Jho
                      Before you go ripping the dash apart, check to make sure that your backing plates aren't rubbing on your rotors.

                      Horn pads are cheap, just go to the dealership and buy one.

                      how do I do that lol


                        Originally posted by chicken123
                        how do I do that lol
                        The backing plates for your brake rotors cover and protect the inside of the rotor. Just make sure it is not contacting the inside of the rotor at any point, or it will make a high pitched squeaking sound.


                          i think i may know what you're talking about now, my car has the same symptoms, it just doesn't bother me enough to fix because it would take that much work...

                          ...the "box" (the one that the turn signals/wipers come out of) is two pieces, with a seam down through the middle. on my car, the top has gone over the bottom, and won't realign it self, causing it to stick out a little and hit the wheel on certain points of the turn.

                          ....or maybe thats definitely not what happened to your car, most likely the backings


                            brake dust shield


                              The sound sounds like its coming from the wheel.. It happens when I turnt the steering wheel even when the car is in park .. Could it still be things you all were talking about? what would cost this to happen since I havent gotten new tires or anything to cause it to scrap against anything...

