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JDM and USDM BP ....

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    Originally posted by gtx510
    those side of the road smog machines are volantary, you don't have to do it. maybe if you were dumping raw fuel out of the exhaust you couldn't get out of it? just tell them you're going to work or the hospital or something.

    For a legal swap in Kali you need to got the smog referee. he'll check that all the emission stuff for that year engine are on the car. and then your VIN gets changed to match the vehicle that the engine came out of, for smog (andinsurance) purposes. And I hear you get a sticker with a new VIN.
    your explanation or the way u did ur sentence kinda threw me off but lets see if I get this right.

    The referee will change the VIN on my existing vehichle (323) and the new (swap) engine will get the same new VIN to match the VIN on the car? Im not gonna be using the old VIN on the car then? Man, Im not sure about this one. I think what they'd do is place a BAR number or serial # on the motor and place that # (sticker) on the door jamb so that when I get the car smog they can use that sticker to determine what engine I got. But they will still keep the original VIN but add the extra BAR sticker that says I have an engine "swap" or something that would tell the tech that I had an engine swap legally but I dont think I will have to replace my existing VIN#.
    '03 Protege5 sunlight silver
    '07 Mazdaspeed3 black mica


      And o yeah about the voluntary smog. Well, I know ur talking about the smog machine on the road where it tell u that ur car is blowing too much **** on the road. This is the machinge that sits on the freeway. NO, Im not talking about that. I'm talking about aa actual smog machine behind the cops car if they see ur car having **** that its not suppose to have but they're not sure if it legit or what so they smog it to make sure. This is only if the cops think that the car is suspecious on having an illegal offroad parts. This happened to a friend of mine 5 years ago.
      '03 Protege5 sunlight silver
      '07 Mazdaspeed3 black mica


        Originally posted by Tjay
        your explanation or the way u did ur sentence kinda threw me off but lets see if I get this right.

        The referee will change the VIN on my existing vehichle (323) and the new (swap) engine will get the same new VIN to match the VIN on the car? Im not gonna be using the old VIN on the car then? Man, Im not sure about this one. I think what they'd do is place a BAR number or serial # on the motor and place that # (sticker) on the door jamb so that when I get the car smog they can use that sticker to determine what engine I got. But they will still keep the original VIN but add the extra BAR sticker that says I have an engine "swap" or something that would tell the tech that I had an engine swap legally but I dont think I will have to replace my existing VIN#.
        and your first line gave me a headache so i stopped reading for a while.

        1. smog ref looks for emissions equipment.
        2. if car passes it get a new VIN # to reflect the fact that the engine and smog requirements are different
        3. so there is a visual record of this you supposedly get a sticker with a new VIN #
        It might get a BAR # also? but the smog guy is going of VIN's for smog info.
        4. they are not going to cut the old VIN # out of your firewall or dash. at least you better hope not.

        BTW, did you know it's redundant to say VIN #? I have trouble just typing it but but it in to avoid confusion.
        why you ask? VIN # = Vehicle Identication Number number.

        And we're talking about the same machine. It's tough to get out of it if you're blatantly outside of the smog laws, note "raw fuel"...
        "Dragnet" cops in SD get BAR training. 3 illegal mods and it's the impound lot for your car.
        ya gotsta be sneaky.


          Originally posted by gtx510
          and your first line gave me a headache so i stopped reading for a while.

          1. smog ref looks for emissions equipment.
          2. if car passes it get a new VIN # to reflect the fact that the engine and smog requirements are different
          3. so there is a visual record of this you supposedly get a sticker with a new VIN #
          It might get a BAR # also? but the smog guy is going of VIN's for smog info.
          4. they are not going to cut the old VIN # out of your firewall or dash. at least you better hope not.

          BTW, did you know it's redundant to say VIN #? I have trouble just typing it but but it in to avoid confusion.
          why you ask? VIN # = Vehicle Identication Number number.

          This is all BS... They do not assign you a new VIN... The referee station will smog your car to the year it was built. The law states that any engine swap must have the same year or newer of same vehicle production of that said car. In other words you can not put a 1971 mazda rotary engine into a 1985 rotary car, but can put a 1985 engine into a 1971 car. The referee station is not in the business of issuing VIN numbers for compliant cars.. Too messy with the DMV. Anyways all BP blocks are cast in the same foundry in Japan, so the block numbers are irrellivent. I would recomend that you remove the oil pan from your motor and install it on the new motor if your having issues with being legal, since mazda was putting VIN tags on the oil pan and trans of most of the cars in the 1990's... I got a US BP dohc for my 4wd and in the process of rebuilding it. I am going to just use the US stuff on it... If your going to boost it then its a different story all together.. GO to the Referee station yourself and don't be affraid to ask questions, they are there to help you not take your car... Sorry for the long post... but way too much WRONG info in this thread... already...


            thanks for setting it straight


              Thanks, I have learned about this 4 years ago. I was suppose to be a smog tech. Took all the class and everything for two years but got a good offer on my currnt job so I forgot some of the info.

              Anyway, I know all about that year of the engine, chassis, kit car etc...I was more asking about the block on the JDM and USDM engine. I want to know if I can use the engine from Japan and be able to pass the ref.

              Thank you for answering my simple question. Now I know the number is on the oil pan. Im just gonna replace that with the USDM.

              Btw, I m not scared of the ref. I use to ge there alot but haven't been there for a while been too busy.

              SOrry about the VIN#, but I only place that one time. I meant VIN.
              '03 Protege5 sunlight silver
              '07 Mazdaspeed3 black mica

