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Corksport: Gateway to parts!

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    Corksport: Gateway to parts!

    Hey everyone. I was just browsing the forums when I came across a thread that turpro had posted in saying to contact corksport for info on parts. So I called them, looking for their number and email and all that junk. I called, they can locate parts for you and tell you about any of their parts. Currently I found out that most Infini parts are being discontinued, and it is getting increasingly harder to find anything besides the lights and corner lights. Fog light grilles aren't made anymore, there isn't a backstock in Japan. For all of those (including me) curious about the corksport catback, customers have said that on a bpt it is relatively quiet, but on a stock bg it should be semi loud. With headers is even louder, so be aware that you might have a loud setup with their catback and headers, possibly attracting cop attention depending on where you live.

    I am currently emailing them, if there is anything that you would like for me to ask them to find, let me know so that I can get one constructed email reply as opposed to many replies about the same parts. Just trying to help, delete this if it's not that helpful.

    protege is sold, selling the last bits that I have left. Buy them.

    welcome to 8 years ago


      I was pretty excited when I found out about CS too.

      Those were the good 'ole days.


        oops, sorry guys. They did say that they were 10 years old. I got a little excited :|
        protege is sold, selling the last bits that I have left. Buy them.



          Thanks for your support? :D

          I'm Ryan, the official CorkSport voice here on the forum


            i remember whan i 1st foudn out about corksprt also..i was so happy that i bought a freakin EVOIII WOW


              Does anyone know how to get in decent contact with them ?

              I had placed a big order in April this year, and it arrived a few weeks later, nog problem.

              There were 3 front Familia badges in backorder, first until the 18th of september if I asked for a status I would get one from Derrick Ambrose.
              Now I have sent an e-mail every week, and thusfar I have received NOTHING !

              Do you guys have any other e-mail adresses that I could send e-mail to for order information and status ?

              I'm getting very annoyed, since I paid for them in April !!!

