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Need Autobody/Hood Advice

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    Need Autobody/Hood Advice

    Hey People,

    Im kind of desperate for some advice here because I need this fixed asap im not 16 or anything and dont care about my parents finding out but I would rather they didn't my dad is hardcore european and I wouldn't hear the end of it! =D Im sure some can related so... heres the prob.

    I was driving back from a long trip this weekend and someone decided that it was cool to slam their breaks at 120km/hr in the left lane. I was passing someone and thought she was just slowing down. Anyways bad driving habbits aside, I got into a little fender bender, her car was FINE 100% and her trailer hitch bent my hood in just a little curled at the front, and my left headlight and grill aren't flush with the top of the bumper trim. Now the problem is that the hood wont close all the way. the sides have like a .75cm gap vertically at the front.

    So i tried to bend it back into shape, ill bondo it when i can get it to close, but still nothing. Im not sure if its the latch or something but its clicks and even clicks twice completely shut. But when i close it (as much as it will go) and then pull the lever in the car I no longer hear that 'CLUNK'.

    Another interesting point is that when i press on the one side that doesn't close fully the other side pulls up and vise versa, almost as if though around the center, near the grill part there is something that is keeping it from coming all the way down.

    Can you guys steer me in the right direction? Ill post some pictures and maybe a short video too to help give you a better picture...


    Honestly your best bet would be to find a junkyard and get a hood of the same color. Trying to bend that one back into shape would probably be pretty difficult.

    94' Protege < Worklog<SOLD!
    VF10 powered!
    262 Whp & 257 Wtq

    '02 Suzuki Bandit 600s


      Heres some pics! They are quite high quality so you guys can see it better. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks again for any help you can share.

      Its honestly no where near as bad as you think. I barelllly nicked the the SUV. I think i got away realllllll lucky for what it actually sounds like. Ill bondo the front plier'ed part.

      Does anyone know the inner workings of the latch pretty well? While taking pictures I noticed something kinda out of shape could this be the reason its not locking in?
      Last edited by mikekay; 02-25-2012, 10:59 AM.

