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Adding cruise control?

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    Adding cruise control?

    Has anyone here ever installed a cruise control system? If so, what kit did you use, did it require any extras, and how long did it take?

    They aren't too hard to install. The last time I put in an aftermarket was in the mid 80's and I bought it from Sears. If I were to get one today, I'd look for a factory one on ebay.


      I called a dealership the other day and they claimed Mazda never made a kit to add it. I'd have to try and find the parts separately for, but I have a trip coming up I'd like to have this installed for.

      I'm looking at the Rostra 250-1223 with probably the 250-3421 control. Has anyone else used this combination, or at least the main unit with success?
      Last edited by SeY2314; 07-25-2008, 01:30 AM.


        Look on ebay, they have a 99 cruise control module right now for $39.00 + 25 shipping. They also list a variety of switches. Other option is try a junk yard. I think you can get a generic set up that is fairly easy to install for less than $200.

