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Box too bigg ?!?

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    Box too bigg ?!?

    Is there any problem with a sealed box being substantially bigger then the recomended manufactures specifications.

    The box I built is 2 cubic ft. While recomened specs puts it around 1.25. Now im thinking that the only thing this should effect is frequency response and it will make it a bit deeper.

    Im thinking about putting in a port with a plug, mainly to take up space but it would also be a niffty little feature. How do i tune a port. I know its just pvc tube length but what length = what frequency? Is there anything else I can do with all the space.

    I assume that pollyfill could only hurt me at this point right.

    larger enclosures reduce power handling. this should give you the idea.

    with it being that much more than recomended, you could very easily port it.
    download winISD pro, if you want to play around with sub modeling software.

    after figuring in subwoofer displacement and port displacement, a single 4" port that is 14" long will tune the enclosure to around 33 hz, which is good for SQL.

