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Help my 88 Mazda 323 gt b6t? Please

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    Help my 88 Mazda 323 gt b6t? Please

    Hello I just bought a '88 323 gt turbo with some work done to it the only thing it needs is a radiator. The guy I bought it from did all the work himself very good a what he does he said it has to be an aluminum 3row radiator but I can not find one for the life of me! can anyone help me? Or send me a link with a radiator that will fit so I can buy it and drive this rig

    Honda Civic aluminium radiators are available in 3 row. Did the seller tell you what make 3 row radiator you need or did he just tell you to get a 3 row radiator?

    CP member slownrusty did a write up on this swap, but he did it with the 2 row. Here is the link to his thread!

    There few boosted bf out there running the civic 2 row radiator without issues.
    Last edited by mazkam; 01-28-2014, 07:32 AM.


      I have a 2 row core on my car with no problems. I couldn't do a 3 row due to my turbo and FMIC setup, and damn AC line don't helping being there.... Pay close attention to the size of the water outlet on the civic radiators, and make sure it's pointed in same direction as a stock 323 BF radiator is....


        Have any pictures of the GT???


          Is this the Red GT from Worcester, MA?

          '88 Mazda 323 GT
          '88 Mazda 323 GTX
          '85 5-Speed Toyota Cressida
          '88 323 GT
          '88 323 GTX


            Hey boys, sry took so long for response. I had made post while I was in The airport waiting to depart. My brother flew me out to Okinawa to visit him sense he did not take his Rest and Recovery after his 3tour in Afghan the sick Marine Inf. Mountain Grunt! I appreciate all the feed back very much mr rotary an ghase!! I found a radiator. I called a speed shop in Portland, Me he was an angry ole man but an ole timer he was! Come with no fan r they universal fans??

            So I fired the rig up she makes a clicking sound next to the stage 2 dohc's sounds like adjusters I called the the bro that built it he said it's the lifters "after driving it for awhile the sound will go away". Does this sound true or is he just pulling pud? I guess can not tell till I drive it. It's not like a "omg shut engine off sound" she runs smooth. But I'm no mechanic know alittle but not enough to be under ur hood lol.
            Now to answer ur questions.... No he did not tell me what kind of aluminum radiator to get did not ask I just herd it run gave him money and loaded it onto my enclosed landscaping trailer.
            I bought It in Lunenberg,Mass
            I have pics but not figured out how to post them she's not perfect but she is for being 25! For sure. Don't get me wrong it's in good shape.

            Another question if I have to rebuild engine witch I would like to anyways this fall since he gave me a HYBRID TURBO BUILT FOR THE CAR AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO GO WITH IT! do u guys no anyone I could send it out too?
            Thank you very much guys big help
            - Jimmy Khana


              Maxima sry broth a forgot ya u gave me most feed back what an absolute a**hole I am thank you very much!!!



