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Presidential Speeches

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    Presidential Speeches

    Does anyone know a good site to download presidential and presidential hopeful speeches? Sound bites or transcripts.

    And is anyone else sick of turning on the news and hearing someone elses opinion of a speech and only hearing small fragments of it? I think it would be much more benficial for people to come up with their own conclusions from speeches than have some news asshole give their opinion (because we all know hearing those opinions shape ours.) I think people should be able to develop their own opinions.

    I'm asking this after I heard a sound bite on NPR of Bush speaking In Duluth, Minnesota. This speech, or the sound bite if it was just edited (and we know those liberal hippies at NPR) really made me mad. It was something about the terrorist threat and how Al-Queda is not gone. The reason it made me mad, is because like the no good local evening news trying to scare me into watching it, bush was trying to scare me into voting for him... as if I needed another reason not to.

    "The only thing worse than bad memories, is no memories at all" - The Dismemberment Plan