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damn women

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    damn women

    i just dumped my g/f of almost 5 months because of some stuff that happened last night. i'll give you the whole story:

    currently she is in texas visiting family. every night i call her before i go to bed, because i go to bed before her. thursday night i call her, we had been talking about 15 minutes, and we usually talk for 20-30 minutes every night. well one of her guy friends calls. but it wasn't one of her regular guy friends, this guy was totally obsessed with her and even though she's told him that she doesn't have any feelings for him, and never will, he asked her to marry him about 7 months ago. that was in the past, for the most part, but even at the beginning of our relationship he'd call all the time. she always told me he was just a friend. well before she leaves for texas she tells me that he's going to take her on a hot air balloon ride, and she was so excited since she's always wanted to go on one. something didn't seam right to me, cause how many normal guys pay almost $400 for him and just a friend to go on a hot air balloon ride. so i start asking questions. that's when i find out all the other stuff about him, and his obsession with her. to make matters worse she tells me that he said he's got a suprise for her at the end of the hot air balloon ride. i tell her not to go, and that he doesn't just want to be friends with her. she didn't really believe me at first, so i asked her sister about the situation, and she got mad at my g/f. we both agreed that she was kind of leading him on, ESPECIALLY since she hadn't told him about me. so i made her tell him about me, and was seriously pissed she hadn't, cause if she only viewed him as a friend then what would be the big deal about telling him about me? well he got pissed, hung up the phone on her, and didn't call her for over a month. anyways, so a month goes by and he starts calling again, and swears to her that he doesn't want to be more than friends with her. i'm not one to tell someone who they can and can't be friends with, so i told her it's up to her, but i wasn't going to be very happy about it. so back to the start of this story, i'm talking to my g/f the other night and he calls in. she puts me on hold and talks to him for almost 3 minutes. IMHO you shouldn't put someone on hold for over a minute, because it's just rude. so she gets back on the line and said nothing about taking so long. so i asked who she was talking to, and she said him. i asked her what took so long, and she said he was asking how she was doing and all that. so i got pissed. would it have been so hard to just say "hey, i'm on the other line, can i call you back?" to him? i'm already tired and cranky, and she pulls that ****. whatever, we work it out. the very next night, last night, i call her about 10, cause i'm getting ready for bed. no answer. she calls back about a minute later and says she didn't pick up cause she's getting ready to go out. i ask with who, and she says him, but not to get mad cause they are just going to a movie. yeah i was pissed, but i was trying to stay calm. after talking for like 2 minutes she gets in his car and wants to keep talking. so rather than have our normal evening conversation she would rather go out with him. so yeah, i'm getting even more pissed. but i tell her to call me later, and let me know she got home ok. well i was up most of the night cause i couldn't sleep, and at about 1 AM their time she gets on yahoo messenger and leaves me a message saying that she misses me and she loves me. i get it at about 1:30 their time, and write back. she's not there, but her brother tells me she went out to denny's with him. so i call her cell. her brother answers and tells me that she left her cell at home and that she said she'd be back around 2 AM. so i say **** it and go to bed. i wake up this morning and there is a missed call around 3:30 AM her time. so i call and wake her up to find out what the hell happened last night. she gives me all these excuses about nothing happened, they are just friends, and everything else. well i'm not worried about her cheating on me, i am worried about him, and the fact that she really believes that he just wants to be friends. IMHO if she cared about how i felt, and actually thought about it, she would have never gone out with him. but she did. so after about an hour of us talking/arguing, she tells me that he got her a birthday present, to show they were just friends. guess what it was, a ****ing tiffany's necklace with hearts on it. gee, that does a great job of showing they are just friends. so i get even more pissed about that. i asked why she even went out with him last night, and she said she didn't want to go out at first, but he said he had something to give her. if she knew that, why the hell didn't she tell me the night before?! so yeah, after all that i dumped her. but now i have a few questions:

    1) should i have been mad about being put on hold for almost 3 minutes?
    2) should i have been ok with her going to the movie?
    3) should i have not been mad at her leaving her cell phone, which i've never known her to leave her house without?
    4) should i be mad that she accepted the necklace?
    5) am i wrong for believing he still wants to be more than friends?
    6) should i be mad that she can't see why i'm mad?

    Dump the beyootch , something is going on that should not be.
    2k4 Rally White Mazda 3 Hatchback

    Sound By CDT , powered by DLS-CA23
    Bass by Elemental Design, powered by HIFONICS


      Honestly Blue she has to be hiding somthing cause she didn't even tell the guy about you till you told her too..thats lame if she cared bout you that would have been her first words outta her mouth to him...looks like this chic likes material things too.....she didnt care to hurt you so she went out with him and got a frigin TIFFANY's necklace DAMN.......I know you must care bout this gurl quit a bit but sit back and see what makes you happy for a change....I'd say by now you're tired of gettin' hurt......i almost guarentee she wouldn't like it if you went out with a chic that said as "just Friends" I hope you make the right desicion and it makes you Happy.....Looks like you could be happier elsewhere...........just my 2cents!!
      "mess with the mazda...... mess with the chick......."mazdachic"

      I don't go looking for no trouble but somehow the trouble always finds me, Don't make me have you in the trauma center With your momma crying cause her only son is dying, She just don't know it's just your karma catching up cause I'm a Drama Setter


        a tiffany's necklace would run you more than a grand.. thats not a gift between friends unless she's spending that kinda **** on him. i mean, granted she was one hell of a girl to look at, and no one could judge your emotional bond to her.. i don't care who you are.. a gesture like that is not a gift of friendship. personally, i would have done the same thing you did brian.. as a matter of fact, i split up with my girlfriend about 3 days ago.. 2 1/2 years.. down the drain. i know of the pain something like this causes and will tell you.. someone like her friend will always scar your relationship between you and her. you're better off without all the drama..


          oh, and if someone brings up jealousy.. smack em in the ****in jaw for me! she's gotta be dumb as a brick to think a balloon ride is a guesture of friend****.


            1) yes
            2) no
            3) no
            4) yes
            5) no
            6) probably

            I'm willing to trust your judgement that she's not cheating on you, although from my perspective it wouldn't surprise me. But, she needs to learn that 1) she should take care of herself, guys like that can't be trusted (I have way too much personal experience with that) and 2) she needs to respect you if she wants a relationship with you. If you ordered her to never have contact with him again under any circumstances that would be going too far, but as much as you've done is just normal boyfriend stuff.


              thanks for the replies everyone i know she has made some dumb decisions, but she's done nothing for me to think she's cheating on me. everynight she waits for my phone call, and her sister told me that i had her whipped, cause she'd go running for the phone and stuff like that. i don't think it's a matter of cheating, but i do think it's a matter of respect. and if she doesn't respect me enough to not do what she did last night, then why should i waste my time with her? i mean she really thinks she did nothing wrong i dunno which tiffany's necklace it was, but i do know the cheapest one is like $150. i know i wouldn't buy a chick i'm just friends with a necklace of that price, unless she really was my best friend and meant that much to me. this guy hasn't been in her life but for a year or 2, and they are far from best friends. he just had an obsession with her. and that's where i have the biggest problem. oh well, it's over between us for good. i will not take her back.


                looks like the other guy's persistence is paying off, he got rid of you from her side.... and now he *may* have a chance to sneak in....

                if she's not married, it's free game...

                '04 Titanium RX-8


                  Originally posted by ZoomZoomH
                  looks like the other guy's persistence is paying off, he got rid of you from her side.... and now he *may* have a chance to sneak in....

                  if she's not married, it's free game...

                  lol, well if she doesn't see anything wrong with taking a necklace from him, then she doesn't need to be with me. so far she's called me 4 times today begging for me to take her back. but taking the necklace solidified that i wouldn't take her back. and finding out it's the matching necklace to the ring i got her, that just made me want to never even be friends with her.


                    Here I go Brian you already know what I am going to say

                    1) should i have been mad about being put on hold for almost 3 minutes?
                    Yes...but I would have done it to you....just to piss you off.
                    2) should i have been ok with her going to the movie?
                    No. With her kind of personality NO. She seems to me to be a manipulater and thats exactly what she is doing to this guy. Hes going to give her the world because he thinks shes the queen of it and shes going to take advantage of that.
                    3) should i have not been mad at her leaving her cell phone, which i've never known her to leave her house without?
                    She did it on purpose. Period.
                    4) should i be mad that she accepted the necklace?
                    YES. READ # 2!
                    5) am i wrong for believing he still wants to be more than friends?
                    She knows damn well he doesnt want to just be friends.
                    6) should i be mad that she can't see why i'm mad?
                    its not worth it. shes not doing anything wrong in her mind so shes never going to understand why you're mad over this.

                    But you know I HATE girls like that. I mean **** Brian she got mad at you for even wanting to come see me when we ARE friends and that is all we will ever be. And I was going through a rough time. <-- thats all I have to say about that.



                      ok I feel better now


                        Originally posted by Motegi
                        Here I go Brian you already know what I am going to say

                        1) should i have been mad about being put on hold for almost 3 minutes?
                        Yes...but I would have done it to you....just to piss you off.
                        2) should i have been ok with her going to the movie?
                        No. With her kind of personality NO. She seems to me to be a manipulater and thats exactly what she is doing to this guy. Hes going to give her the world because he thinks shes the queen of it and shes going to take advantage of that.
                        3) should i have not been mad at her leaving her cell phone, which i've never known her to leave her house without?
                        She did it on purpose. Period.
                        4) should i be mad that she accepted the necklace?
                        YES. READ # 2!
                        5) am i wrong for believing he still wants to be more than friends?
                        She knows damn well he doesnt want to just be friends.
                        6) should i be mad that she can't see why i'm mad?
                        its not worth it. shes not doing anything wrong in her mind so shes never going to understand why you're mad over this.

                        But you know I HATE girls like that. I mean **** Brian she got mad at you for even wanting to come see me when we ARE friends and that is all we will ever be. And I was going through a rough time. <-- thats all I have to say about that.

                        ya know, i didn't even bring up the fact that she got all pissed when i mentioned going to see you. if that wasn't the perfect time to bring it up, i don't know when is i know she didn't leave her cell phone just to avoid a call from me because i'm almost never up past 11 pm anyways. but it just seemed too coincidental. ah well, she still trying to work things out or at least be friends. sorry, but i'm a very beligerant person and i don't want to even talk to her. needless to say i blocked her messenger and shut my phone off


                          D0OD girls like that are nothing but trouble, if your losing sleep, and always wondering where she is, and what shes doing, its not worth it.
                          .....HELLO MY NAME IS BEN...

                          torque monster!!!!
                          dyno graph 8-10-and 12psi
                 dyno vid



                            Originally posted by blue LEDz
                            ya know, i didn't even bring up the fact that she got all pissed when i mentioned going to see you. if that wasn't the perfect time to bring it up, i don't know when is i know she didn't leave her cell phone just to avoid a call from me because i'm almost never up past 11 pm anyways. but it just seemed too coincidental. ah well, she still trying to work things out or at least be friends. sorry, but i'm a very beligerant person and i don't want to even talk to her. needless to say i blocked her messenger and shut my phone off
                            Yeah ummm...she knew you were going to be wondering what the hell was going on later that night. shes not stupid Brian its a huge game to this girl. No more wasting air on her you're through...I said so.


                              Is this the chick with the tig ol bitties that wanted (or did) reduce them? Seems like a drama queen, move on.

