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Bloody Hell

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    Bloody Hell

    [rant]Im sure some of ya'll have had this have a break up, its emotional, messy dont even want to think about the person anymore so you delete phone numbers, AIM names, everything. you dont think about them, youve learned your life lessons, struggled to get over it, mostly are over it, and then out of the blue she im's you. well that happened to me. she im'ed me, began to belittle me, and just was overall insulting my way of life and what not. now i had attempted to be cordial before, but now it doesnt matter. we are never going to get back together, and im not going to ****ing sit there and take it. so i told her off...i dont know if i did the right thing, but dammit im not going to be put through anymore emotional strain because of this i wrong?[/rant]

    sorry, had to get this out

    i know how it is my friend.. personally.. my ex-girlfriend makes my blood curdle.. you're not alone.

    on a side note, anybody got any nachos?


      *passes the nachos*


        Get over it, if she ims you, click the X.


          you could always bang her friend or sister or something... or become good friends with her new guy and get him to dump her...

          Looking for a Protege... preferably a first gen, cheap, in Winnipeg, Canada


            Just block her s/n... that's what i do, or do like pawl said
            '12 Focus SE hatch
            '04 Eddie Bauer V8 4X4 Explorer
            '05 Saab 9-3 turbo (sold)
            '90 Mazda 323 GT (sold)
            '04 Mazda Tribute (sold)
            '92 Mazda Protege LX (sold)
            '91 Mazda Protege LX (blown engine)
            '91 Honda Prelude (totalled)
            '91 Honda CRX SI (sold)


              I say just ignore it... not worth getting stressed out over. Not quite as easily done as said, but oh well.


                **** bitches
                2013 Dodge Dart Aero




                    lol yes bang her sister....
                    91 323 GTX @ 16psi, 5 speed || December 07 R.O.T.M.
                    Powered by MegaSquirt I PCB3, Tuned by Lex

                    More Information


                      na man, yall got it all wrong..

                      See this is the point where you get to have fun with her ass...

                      You have to think this way... When she IM's you back first and starts to try and demean you, you have to just keep a cool head. Think of it like this, what's the point of getting rowled up with her, this is what women want. They love to know that they can get you to loose control of your feelings and get upset. This is how they know that they have "got you".

                      So when she IM's you back again and she will, just stay cool and say something to her like " ok ok if you say so", or "yeah well I know you are the smarter one, so whatever you say goes", or " Well maybe we should just be friends" , or "I have to go cause I am not appreciating your nasty attitude right now" , or "You know it's odd, but my psyc professor was saying this is one of the ways to tell a women is crazy".

                      Then just cut the conversation short there and say you have to go. It's better to do it like this and then don't take her calls and don't respond to any of her IM's till her behavior improves. You have to be the one to say, "I have control over this situation". If you loose control, then you have lost the game. Women will say anything to see what you are feeling and what is going through your mind. Just by them knowing that you got upset and crap is what tells them that you are crazy over them.

                      I don't give any of my girls that I date, this type of power. I just act like I don't care if they are around and if they take a hike and choose to leave, it won't make a difference to me. My life goes on regardless of if they are around or not. To hell with them all.

                      As quick as 1 goes I got 2 more to replace them.


                      So from this point on, only do things that excite you and that keep you happy.

                      - no sulking in your room
                      - get yourself around other females, even if they are just friends
                      - get out and hang with the fellas.
                      - when you see her, say what's up and how ya doing .... act like yall never even dated. (that will sooooo burn her) keep that smile on your face and keep it quick and keep it moving.
                      - listen to music that keeps you upbeat and on top of things
                      - just do you, screw her. Don't even let anything about her bother you....
                      photo album|photo album 2 (pbase)

                      dbest1a AT yahoo DOT com


                        meh, why not just cut her brake lines.. all it seems like is she's looking for some 'self-assurement' following a break up, don't give her that


                          ive been driving. im going to take bruce's stress relief idea and get laid some time this week im meeting up with one of my emergency ****s :p


                            Originally posted by red90protegelx
                            ive been driving. im going to take bruce's stress relief idea and get laid some time this week im meeting up with one of my emergency ****s :p
                            yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

                            that's how you do it.. You can't let these bitches get to you ...

                            they will go out and do the same **** .. and you will never know about it.

                            Don't even let her know or think your stressing her, cause you will not or never will be stressing her.

                            If you put yourself above petty things, like slashing her tires, trashing her room or cursing her out. She will realize that she is the one that is loosing out.
                            photo album|photo album 2 (pbase)

                            dbest1a AT yahoo DOT com


                              bruce, check my away messages at night, you'll see when im goin

