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I guess if you are geeky enough it's hot?

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    You needed to use CODE tags to keep in monospaced.


      Originally posted by 95ProLeila
      Random wouldn't work, you wouldn't get the right gradations and whatnot. You code at all?
      Not for a while, but you have a point. OK, amendment to the previous statement. You have several sets of character types... low density, medium density, high density, etc. You use the high density characters for the dark stuff and low density for the light stuff. Either choose randomly from a set or have a darkest-to-lightest scale. Only slightly more complicated.


        lol, what language did you program in? I took Java my senior year of HS, and now I'm helping a friend who's taking a Java course at Ohio State . . . wow I've forgotten a lot


          Lindsey Lohan looks incredibly fat in that picture on the website

          he added a double chin, nice touch
          Joe H
          2000 Chevy Impala
          3400 3.4 Liter V6
          Fun Times

          Fenderwell Intake w/ K&N Cone,
          U-Bend Delete, Resonator Delete,
          Flowmaster 40, Hi-Flow Cat, Optima Redtop


            A little Java, a little C++, a little Pascal, a whole lot of QBASIC


              Huge Poster

              Originally posted by Marc93lx View Post
              I have used other poster software for this purpose. Result looks very well.


                The last time somebody posted on this thread was 2 years ago
                1993 Protege LX-Midnight's shadow SOLD
                1996 Honda CBR600-Wrecked. Damn Honda crippled me
                2002 mazda MPV-family truckster SOLD
                2010 VW routon

                Originally posted by jay
                .....they totally underestimated the number of gearheads such as myself that have families but refuse to grow the hell up and stop playing with cars, or that otherwise see the utility of having 4 doors. Obviously I ain't alone, as there are a helluva lotta sti and evo here. Bueler? Beuler? Mazda? Mazda?


                  After two years, I still don't get it.

