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Credit problem, need advice

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    Credit problem, need advice

    i check the mail yesterday, and there is something from my bank (bank of america ) saying that my credit card account is past due. now, they sent me the credit cart with the debit card, problem is, untill yesterday it was still glued to teh piece of paper it came on.

    as it turns out, they have my account set up so that if i overdraw from my checking account, the money is charged onto my credit card account. i overdrew my account by 4 dollars, 3 months ago, and now i have an "outstanding" bill of $310. i never asked for this service, or the credit card. i fact at one point i was asked by a teller if i wanted to do this, and i told her no. the mail i got YESTERDAY was the first thing informing me that i owed any amount.

    has anyone been through anything like this before? i was thinking i would call the credit dept. and demand that the balance be adjusted to the original overdraw amount + the original overdraw service charge. please help
    Serenity's Dead.

    It's worth a try... I had a bunch of overdraft fees once because my girlfriend said she was going to deposit a check for me but never ended up doing it and forgot to tell me she hadn't. I talked to the people at the bank and they refunded five of the six charges just to be nice about it. They wouldn't fix the last one because it was technically my fault not theirs, but they were really nice about the whole thing and gave me back $150.


      same EXACT thing happened to my roommate last week... I don't know what he did, i'll ask him. b of a is shady.


        Originally posted by KiddX
        i check the mail yesterday, and there is something from my bank (bank of america ) saying that my credit card account is past due. now, they sent me the credit cart with the debit card, problem is, untill yesterday it was still glued to teh piece of paper it came on.

        as it turns out, they have my account set up so that if i overdraw from my checking account, the money is charged onto my credit card account. i overdrew my account by 4 dollars, 3 months ago, and now i have an "outstanding" bill of $310. i never asked for this service, or the credit card. i fact at one point i was asked by a teller if i wanted to do this, and i told her no. the mail i got YESTERDAY was the first thing informing me that i owed any amount.

        has anyone been through anything like this before? i was thinking i would call the credit dept. and demand that the balance be adjusted to the original overdraw amount + the original overdraw service charge. please help
        more or less, by all means.. you're responsible for your own doings. somewhere in the paper work or fine print where you signed up for the bank account, they had an offer for a bank of america credit card, and you said yes. that is the most likely explaination. either that, or they sent it to you by error. even in such a case, if you're handed a physical card in the mail for a credit card, you ALREADY have an account.. whether or not you've activated the card or not. that credit card number CANNOT be used until it's activated. yet until you do so, you have an open credit account. it would show up on your credit report as such. and even at that from where you stood, when you recieve a credit card in the mail, it's not like the old days where you they'd physically send you a credit card in the mail.. hoping you'd sign up. they have to have your authorization to send it to you, and at which point your card would arrive in a non-conspicuous envelope detailing your information, your card, and what have you. even though you didn't activate the card, knowing that you didn't want it, you SHOULD haven't left the credit card sit around and tell bank of america you didn't want it.

        at that, i just signed up for a best buy account.. i didn't read the fine print. as such i recieved the following.. all of which i DID NOT want:
        Credit limit of $2600 dollars on the best buy card, i wanted $200 dollars
        Seperate credit card with $1500 dollar limit.. i didn't want the card at all
        Both cards issued under the name Kenneth.. NOT Kevin

        this information shows up on my credit and i'm scared for the next couple years all because i didn't read the fine print.

        given all the mess that you are in now, the best thing to do is tell them that you never wanted the credit card, and try an negotiate to paying off just the overdraft on your checking account, plus late fees. after all.. $310 dollars in late fees can only be mitigated by your failure to check your bank balance every week/month. the moment you over draft, you're liable. **EDIT**
        you understand the situation you're in, the only thing you can do is call and complain.. you may in fact just be stuck with just a bill ultimately . my question to you is.. what means of record keeping do you use to not notice an overdraft before it happens? keep your books balanced.. thats you're best protection from all this ****.
        Last edited by Guest; 04-07-2005, 05:48 PM.


          i called up, and they removed all interest and late fees. i owe 120$ plus the 100 i already payed today
          Serenity's Dead.


            Originally posted by Kevin
            at that, i just signed up for a best buy account.. i didn't read the fine print. as such i recieved the following.. all of which i DID NOT want:
            Credit limit of $2600 dollars on the best buy card, i wanted $200 dollars
            Seperate credit card with $1500 dollar limit.. i didn't want the card at all
            Both cards issued under the name Kenneth.. NOT Kevin

            this information shows up on my credit and i'm scared for the next couple years all because i didn't read the fine print.
            this kind of confuses me.

            1. why not call them and tell them that they got your name wrong?
            2. why are you worried about the credit report? what difference does it make if you don't use the $2600 of credit they gave you?
            3. worst case scenario you just don't use the cards, yes?

            I dunno, maybe I'm missing something


              Originally posted by KiddX
              i called up, and they removed all interest and late fees. i owe 120$ plus the 100 i already payed today
              you did get raped.. however, it's better than $310 dollars.

              i'm saying.. walking out the door without reading the fine print, those are the 3 problems i incurred. all the problems have thus been solved. as far as the credit limit.. whether or not you lose it.. having 'too much' credit is considered a credit risk... thus your credit score goes down.


                solution: don't overdraw your bank account or go into debt.
                93' Noble Green MX-ZE (sold )
                02' Graphite Grey WRX Stage 4, 286whp
                05' Pontiac Vibe daily driver, lowered/tinted/rims


                  Originally posted by Gro Harlem
                  solution: don't overdraw your bank account or go into debt.
                  Attached Files
                  Serenity's Dead.


                    Even though it most definitely is somewhere in the fineprint, it is still very shiesty and i would suggst changing banks... imagine what other stuff they might try to pull.


                      They'll nail you with the fine print.
                      Unless there is no fine print. But you know better than that. Everything has fine print nowadays. So just admit it, either way, you get screwed by the people who write the fine print.
                      1992 Mazda Protege DX
                      Tropical Emerald Metallic - limited mods

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