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Time to switch professions......

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    Time to switch professions......

    I run Semi-trucks for a living, pretty stressful job 24/7...I went to get a hair cut at 10am this morning, my stylist noticed I had several white looking hairs, I thought ya right, then she pulled one for me to look at....holy ****......I'm now I'm looking for any info I can on the web about this.....just thought I would share with those of you that have stressful jobs....beware....

    94 Protege DX SOHC 1.8l 5 Speed

    its better to wait and save then to waste money on crap to get you by....

    damn dude that is crazy!

    back in high school a kid i knew had a little patch of grey hair on the side of his head, could have been caused by stress though.

    seriously take it easy man, my job is pretty stressful aswell but i look at it like i dont even care lol just go do my thing then come home. no grey no stress


      I'm 21, half my hair is grey, i started getting them when i was 15. But in my case its genetic.


        I'm an IT professional which is definatly stressful and have several grey hairs. the started coming in when I was about 25. Now @ 32 I can really notice them.


          I run a landscaping company, It can be stressfull at times. Smoke some weed im sure it will help lol


            Because weed is exactly what a truck driver needs.....

            Now say it with me... B-R-A-K-E.

            Good job!


              I've got lots of white hairs. I'm about to turn 23.


                Originally posted by TheLastMarauder
                Because weed is exactly what a truck driver needs.....

                Its not like you become stupid. It will help mellow you out


                  BUZZZZZZZ.. at least that's my solution for the summer time
                  Attached Files

