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Run in with a Crazy Jeep Owner

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    Run in with a Crazy Jeep Owner

    It's a Saturday night, I've decided to go to Churches chicken to get food for me and my brother, rather than going to my favorite pizza place like I usually do on Saturday nights after work. I drove the Miata to work, which means it was the Protege's time for a flogging today.

    Everything was normal as I drive my loud machine towards Churches, until I caught up to a Silver '06 Cherokee(the new style, might have been an '05?), non-hemi I belive. This guy is driving kinda fast, no big deal. We come to a stop light where I need to make a left, as does the guy. It's a pretty industrial area with low traffic at this time. The pavement is also pretty slick. Light turns green and this guy peels out and speeds around the turn. I'm like "OK, I'll have fun too", so I gun it in first get some wheel spin and shift to 2nd coming out of the turn and just roast the, uhh...tire...So then it goes to a quick right to merge onto a highway-type road.

    This guy is going very fast(for the Jeep) around this corner and accelerates hard away from me. I'm like "man this is fun" so I'm in 2nd around the corner, I floor it to the redline in 2nd, and up to about 70ish in 3rd...the road goes over a bridge that they have the lanes make a chicane type manuver(left then right, then straight, right then left then straight). This guy can't stay in his lane at these speeds so I stay back prolly 10 car legths(to tell you the truth he out accelerated me anyway lol). He stays in the left lane, I go to the right lane and begin to pass at about 75(note that the speedlimit in this area is 55 but in this spot of the road there was no traffic...just traffic way up ahead), just to give this guy the "what the hell?" look.

    Well, as I get about a car legth from his rear bumper he starts going into my lane. I lay on the horn and pass at the same time. He gives me this "why you little turd" look, I give him my look. We are now slowed down to 50ish, caught up to traffic. He gets behind me as my lane was open ahead and his was not. Well, he puts the brights on to piss me off. Flashing them and all. I slow down, start downshift and engine braking, down to about 25 in second, he's right behind me. I hit the brakes enough to light the tails and then floor it away.

    He catches me(I went up to like 45 as this is a slower section of the road with stop lights and such and traffic ahead of me). Well, he tries to pass but there is a car in the left lane, so I easily block him. We come to a stop light and the guy starts motioning me to roll the window down. I shake my head no and give the thumbs down as well. He continues. I get a good look at him, some bald-ish 20 something complete with a BlueTooth phone in his ear...looked like an IT geek to me. So I figured ah what the hell and roll my window down. He's like "Hey, I really like your car!!" I said "Dude, you're driving a Cherokee..." He's like "I was think you're a tough guy?!" I said "no" then the light turned green so I take off at the speed of the guy infront of me, just driving normal, still with the window down.

    The traffic clears up and this guy flies past me very fast(like 70 in the 45). So I do 50ish, knowing that this area has a decent cop coverage. I see a cop the other way and slow down, this guy keeps going. He comes up to a red light, first in line. I roll up shortly there after. So now I'm at the line with this goof in his Mopar SUV. He again starts up "You think you're something huh?!" I ignore him. He continues, saying "What do you think you're doing?" stuff like this. The light turns green. I hesitate, then yell "The light's green damnit!" and dump the clutch at like 4K and just do a big burnout with a nice 2nd gear scratch. He catches shortly after, then starts yelling "You can't get infront of me!!" I said "I don't need to, I'm turning soon!". Well he gets ahead of me and starts slowing down. I'm like "ok, he's playing this game". So I just stay behind him and slow down with him.

    The right turn lane comes up, where I have to turn. So I go there, he goes there. I know he doesn't have to turn here, so figure he'll just play for a bit then get back over and continue down the road. Nope. He slows down to like 20mph. I quickly turn into the parking lot next to Churches, go to the Churches lot, and I see this guy pass by. He actually turned, thinking I'd just do some parking lot chopping and get back on the road. Nope. I park, hop out, lock the doors and head to the door.

    Well, he pulls in and pulls right up next to me. I have my hand on the door handle about to go in out of the craziness. He says to me "You think you're cool, you drive a Protege!" I say "Yeah, pretty cool huh?", just to see what he'd do. He blankly looks at me for 2 seconds, then says "What, are you gay, driving your Protege?"(note that he didn't say "Protegay" as he couldn't come up with that slam in the long time he was behind me, lol). I said "You're in a...JEEP , with a BlueTooth. Go play your Nintendo and find someone else to play with". I open the door and start to go in, hear him say "Get back out here!!!" but I kept going. Game over huh. The lady at the register says "what can I get you?" I say "hang on a minute", and make sure this guy leaves the parking lot and drives away instead of harming my Protege. He does(he was prolly too much of a coward to exit his vehicle). So I go back to attempting to order my food, with my heart racing because of all of the crazy driving and the nut yelling stuff at me.

    That's the end. Just thought I'd share. I thought it was pretty funny the length this guy went to play road games, and how he didn't actually think I was going to Churches. Now then, I will say that if he was in an older, cheaper car, or(I hate to be stereotypical, but it happens) of another ethnicity, I wouldn't have done this. It was stupid to play games with this guy, or anyone you don't know. But man, this guy was harmless. The way he spoke was just funny. It was casual but he was trying to be intimidating, and it surely didn't work at all. Made my Saturday night!
    Last edited by MazKid; 01-21-2006, 10:07 PM. Reason: McCorkel couldn't read post without proper paragraphs. Can you blame him?

    1994 Protege BP-Turbo.....1994 Miata Supercharged.....2003 Protege5 stock DD.....1988 323 GT Turbo
    On the road soon: 2003 Protege5 V6 swap
    My vB Gallery - Full Information and Photos of My Mazdas

    Sounds... fun? I think we would have had to be there.



      Yeah...I guess it is one of those "had to be there" situations. If I just had a digital camcorder...

      1994 Protege BP-Turbo.....1994 Miata Supercharged.....2003 Protege5 stock DD.....1988 323 GT Turbo
      On the road soon: 2003 Protege5 V6 swap
      My vB Gallery - Full Information and Photos of My Mazdas


        Hah i have one of those kinda story's happend a week or so ago. me and my buddie were driving up to base i was in my truck he was in his truck and we are on this road thats like a highway and the speed is 50, well me and my buddie are sitting first at the light and then it turns green i push the gas and i hear the tires chirp but i thought it wa smy buddies truck as i saw him doing a burnout but then my ass end started to whip out so i knew i was doing it as we pull away and hit another light same **** happens both of us burnout (niether did it on purpose either) so then we go and hit the top of this road by base and this dude is on my ass then cuts my buddie off and gets right next to me and gets so close i swerve otu to the turning lane so he doesint hit me. so then he cuts me off and i follow him (now my buddie is behind me) and then the dude speeds up gets alittle ahead of me and then gets in the turning lane so as i approach he goes to turn but swings out all the way into my lane and im doing 55 so i slam on the brakes and swerve and missed him by an inch and then i look behind me and my buddie is slideing towards me, my buddie ends up hitting me just barely, kinda like a love tap lol so then the dude gets out starts to fight me and my buddie gets out and helps me cops come and arrest the dude.

        Now i was on my way to work so i had my BDU's on and my gun this dude was pretty damn smart lol


          Wow, that sounds a lot more dangerous than my encounter.

          Maybe not as funny either though. You get points for getting a bad driver arrested! Nice job!

          1994 Protege BP-Turbo.....1994 Miata Supercharged.....2003 Protege5 stock DD.....1988 323 GT Turbo
          On the road soon: 2003 Protege5 V6 swap
          My vB Gallery - Full Information and Photos of My Mazdas


            haha yeh it was pretty crazy, it just sucked cause i mean i ALWAYS tend to floor the truck when i leave lights and stuff and i take off fast but never spin the tires but that day i did it twice and i wasint even on the throttle so i dunno how it happend, but yeh the dude took to alittle to far, i actually got a ticket and so did my buddie i got wreckless and my buddie got a ticket for following to close BUT they dropped it because my other buddie from work happend to be drivign a patrol car on the base right next to this road (all that seperates it is a fence) so i had the people driving around us as witnesses and my buddie who was on patrol at the time.
            Last edited by Mazda96Protege; 01-21-2006, 09:59 PM.


              I'll read it if you break it into paragraphs.


                Done for you buddy!

                1994 Protege BP-Turbo.....1994 Miata Supercharged.....2003 Protege5 stock DD.....1988 323 GT Turbo
                On the road soon: 2003 Protege5 V6 swap
                My vB Gallery - Full Information and Photos of My Mazdas


                  I had somebody follow me to work one day after I we screwed around on the road. This was back when I was turbo and shut the guy down every time he would try something stupid. I got out of my car and he pulled into the lot, I guess he saw that I wasn't some tiny punk and turned

                  Another kind of funny story was from when I worked at the country club. I used to have to deal with this tiny little prick (about Mazkid's size ) all the time. He used to mouth off to me all the time because he knew I couldn't do much about it. But I told him one day I would see him outside of work and that it would be his ass. Well sure enough one day I found him on the road in a 45mph zone. He was going maybe 40 in the left lane so I passed him in the right lane going about 60, he puts his finger out the window and flips me off. I slammed the breaks and leveled back out with him, and told him to pull over. He asked me what I wanted, and I told him we weren't out the country club anymore so I am not going to take his **** today. I got him to pull into a parking lot and he got out and got in my face trying to be a badass. I cold-clocked him before he even knew what happened and just about knocked his ass out with one shot. Never saw him again at work.
                  Last edited by McCorkle; 01-21-2006, 11:10 PM.


                    I turned a corner on a country road once in the middle of the night and pretty much cut off a car... headlights were much higher than my bumper so it was obviously a big vehicle. I sped up to get out of his way, and he sped up to match my speed. I was thinking "Oh ****, I just pissed off some redneck in his big truck and now he's hunting me down." So I sped up even more, from about 45 to 60, and he still matched me and stuck right on my tail. I was about half a mile from my house but I wasn't about to let him see where I lived (I still didn't know what kind of guy I was dealing with) so I kept going past my driveway to the end of the road where there was a T intersection with a stop sign and a street light. I pulled up to the stop sign, looked both ways, rolled through it turning left, looked in my mirror, and saw the Jeep Cherokee with police lights as it entered the light.

                    At that point I just pulled myself over to the side and waited for him. He was actually pretty cool about it... I explained the whole situation completely truthfully and after he ran my info and found out I wasn't wanted for anything he basically laughed the whole thing off and let me go. I felt like such a dumbass later though.


                      Time for a crazy minivan story.......

                      Driving down a two-lane highway following a minivan, in the right lane. He was doing about 55(the speed limit) I was about 3 car lengths behind him, so I wan't right on his ass. Up ahead it turns into a 4-lane, left turn lane and a right turn lane. As soon as the 4 lanes appeared he SLAMS on the brakes, comes to a complete stop, then jolts over to the far left lane. There was no traffic anywhere in front of him, and it was another 25 yards to a stoplight. At that point , I was ready to get right up next to this dickhead and tell him off. Before I could finish that thought, my dreams came true, he swerves to the far right lane almost clipping my bumper. The light ahead was red, so I'm sitting there waiting and I see that minivan sitting in the right turn lane looking ahead. The light turns green, so I pull forward. The minivan was also doing that......I'm like **** this, let the dumb**** hit me (I was in the Geo so no big loss) he pulls up right next to me. At this point he's outta road, riding the rumble strips. Without looking(obviosly) starts to merge into my lane. I lay on the horn with my middle finger extended. He looks over, freaks out, locks his brakes up, almost ditched the van. It was great
                      He floors it and gets beside me, we eventually get to a red light. I roll my window and yell "It's a lot easier to drive when you aren't jacking off asshole!". I look closer at the actual person driving and start laughing my ass off. It's some 80 year old guy with his wife in the passenger seat.....looked like she was gonna have a heart attack after I said that. God it owned :D

                      Me VBGarage HERE

                      "90% of young people that get into car accidents say "OH ****". The other 10% are from Wisconsin and say "Hold my beer and watch this!".

