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so this is what it is like to not have a social life anymore......

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    im sorry. im from nebraska. we dont have them fancy do-dad's and thingamajigs out there.
    "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
    -Benjamin Franklin

    i wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself
    -dedicated to sling blade, aka, meltdownsky

    this is a horrible trick and should be deleted immedately - wheresthericego - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA


      Sorry to be a sh!t... but er, get an abortion.... an unhappy relationship isn't good for anybody... even the child. You don't seem financially stable enough, and you and her don't seem to have a great relationship either.

      I don't think it's cool to destroy unborn children, but it seems that it would be best for you, the gf, and the child...


        Originally posted by P-rotege
        Sorry to be a sh!t... but er, get an abortion.... an unhappy relationship isn't good for anybody... even the child. You don't seem financially stable enough, and you and her don't seem to have a great relationship either.

        I don't think it's cool to destroy unborn children, but it seems that it would be best for you, the gf, and the child...
        I dunno', I've never regreted stepping up and doing what ever had to be done to raise my son [now 15]...woulda' done the same if was daughter [wished I had one, too]...PEACE and MASSIVE GOOD LUCK...being a father was the best thing that ever happened to'll feel the same someday
        If it can be done wrong, I will...somehow I always finish tearing things up before I can fix'em ...


          Omfloggin Gorg....................

          Dude! that's too flipping funny. I must not laugh too much at least until I get the damned staples out.

          Originally posted by p7teb7
          surprisingly well thought out & somewhat philosophical, thanks for the perspective check. yeah, at least i don't have a case of the uninvited ass-worms or whatever, that is definitely not what you want
          sigpic Ky


            bravo turpro

            Well put sir! I must say, I am moved by you guys. So many of us here have great hearts.

            And I know what is going on with Kozzman555 is those defonic little bastards routin on the boys blood and probly molestin his presious mind. Thats aterrible thing he's a dealing with. I heard about a man in Wilkinsburg, Pa. about 25 minutes from downtown Pittsburgon I-376. This guy is a mixt American native, I think he's a Half Cow-Chip and Crechaw, he can stop them worms fast. Hes the Dr they went to cure the last colorea epidermis.

            Originally posted by turpro
            I agree with jho but hers how I feel.

            I too have a daughter with my ex and was the only father figure too her son as well. I didn't have the mom situation so I can't help ya with that. You say you "love" your gf but the question is are you "in love" with her. There's a difference. I took care of my ex's sone from the time he was 2 till he turned 7(when his real father stepped up to the plate finally) I loved my ex but I wasn't "in love" with her towards the last 2 years we were together. I say never "tolerate" the person your with just for the kids sake. Its really more unhealthy for you in the long run. You can still be a father even though you don't live in the same house as your kid. So don't ever use that excuse for staying. **** my daughter lives in arizona and we speak 4-5 days out of the week and she comes to visit 2-3 times a year(and if I could afford it she would be around more than that).

            Well best of luck to ya. If your wondering. No I'm not young. I'm probably the oldest fkr here lol. I'm married now with 2 kids. And I'm 32 years old and have been down almost the same path as you. I'm a very happy person with what I have now,yes I would like my daughter too live closer but life is life and I make the best of it. When I was with my ex I felt ****ty everyday because I wasn't happy with her but felt I needed too stay for my daughters sake.

            If you wanna talk more when your going thru rough times(cause I'm guessing your young)feel free to im me anytime(turpro93 on aim) my phone has im so its always on.
            Last edited by riverrunnernky; 10-18-2006, 09:47 PM.
            sigpic Ky


              ALRIGHT DAVID...back in the house, hasn't been same without the Kentucky Tangent King...hope you're doing well, got any good drugs [prescribed that is]...
              If it can be done wrong, I will...somehow I always finish tearing things up before I can fix'em ...


                It's alive... It's alive... It's alive.............

                Well hello all,
                2 long weeks and healing nicely, just slow as heck!
                All vital plumbing is back in servise, less the recreational/formerly procreational plumbing.
                The office depot staples come out Thursday. I'm going to take them to the local store and see if I can get some core exchange in place of an old fashioned 500ad ASS whipping. If they choose the ass whoopin they will have to wait for a couple weeks, I don't want to be still under any Morphine or such, mite git shoed or somptin, if I whooped the wrong ass.

                Its too good to be back.
                Thanks again.
                Office Depot

                Originally posted by Meltdownsky
                ALRIGHT DAVID...back in the house, hasn't been same without the Kentucky Tangent King...hope you're doing well, got any good drugs [prescribed that is]...
                sigpic Ky

