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Client Quotes

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    Client Quotes

    OK this goes along with that post about the computer guy... this ahs to do with a bunch of clients taht are really dumb... im sure you will find this ammusing..

    favorite one:

    Client: this is horrible, I want the menu more longer (no that wasn't a typo)

    Me: 'more longer'...right

    Client: Yeah, and I think this should always be spinning (a graphic behind the content)

    Me: I don't think pepole will be able to focus on the words if we have this spinning behind it

    Client: MAKE IT SPIN DAMNIT!!!! (that makes me laugh everytime)

    (three days later)

    Client: Ok, I don't like this graphic spinning behind the text; you can't read the content. What if we make it more alpha.

    Boy, I know about that. I work in signs, not web design, but the same stuff happens. I always tell people, "We can make you GOOD-looking signs for the same price, you know."

    You've probably read this, but if you haven't, you should. It's along the same lines:
    2002 Protege DX 5 speed, "Kenmore White," well-loved and a little over half paid-for

