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another sad day in my house

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    another sad day in my house

    so i turned 26 on june 15th and well that seems to be the day everything came crashing in around me.

    so here is what happened

    my roommates kick me out (on my birthday!!)
    then i give my lil sis a call and find out my dad is sick. so i call my mom and ask her to find out how to get a hold of him so i can talk to him. well we start chatting i find out he has 2 tumors on his lung and his chest fill with fluid so they have to drain it out. also his liphnode system has cancer too. so they doing keemo and radition on him to get it under control. then that night my roommates decide that they want me out right now so they pack my stuff for me and almost clear out my room for me. while they complain about being tired and wanting to go to bed then i tell em hey my pregnant gf is in the car and tired. they pretty much tell me in so many ways so what. well i move my stuff into our house. well june 18th i get a call from my cuzs wife telling me my uncle shot himself in the head. (i was at wics looking for a bed when i got the call) . so i go to the funeral in tx. i come back and my ex-roommates start hounding me to finish getting my car stuff out(they live 40miles from me) and tell them whats going on and again they dont care. so they r heartless. well my mom got real depressed and almost ended her life 12 days ago.
    2 days ago my gf got fire for some bogus stuff. shes was a waitress at bakersquare in mpls,mn and she happens to be allergic to cole slaw(weird i know)
    . so she said no to making a batch. this is y she got fired!!! and today i got a call from my dad and found out they gave him 15 months to kid is due 1-12-08. it will be 6 months old when he dies if the docs r right. i feel like im being ripped apart at the seems. i dont know what to do. im .......stressed out.

    btw my dad has stage 4 lung cancer they cant do surgery.
    my mom is also ill with cancer but they cant figure out where it is.
    my freind died last x-mas. this year is horrible!!!!!!

    i just dont know what to do anymore...i feel im loosing it.

    Originally posted by minnesotapj
    Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
    price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
    Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
    The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
    *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...

    Wow, that's some story.

    Unfortunately I cannot do anything for you.

    Although it is sad to hear what is happening now and I cannot possibly imagine what it must feel like for you you must continue to breath and keep focused for your GF and the little one.

    I do wish you al the best...


      Holy ****....I feel for you and your loved ones. That's about the best I can do. My grandmother has liver canser and was told she has 6-9 months to live and wanted to put her on kemo and all that crap as well. She told them no and now 5 yrs later she's still here. She not better but she's a trooper. Good luck in the future and keep your head up. Best wishes to you.
      1993 Protege LX-Midnight's shadow SOLD
      1996 Honda CBR600-Wrecked. Damn Honda crippled me
      2002 mazda MPV-family truckster SOLD
      2010 VW routon

      Originally posted by jay
      .....they totally underestimated the number of gearheads such as myself that have families but refuse to grow the hell up and stop playing with cars, or that otherwise see the utility of having 4 doors. Obviously I ain't alone, as there are a helluva lotta sti and evo here. Bueler? Beuler? Mazda? Mazda?


        theres good news.
        i was diagnosed with lymphnode cancer, it took 6 months of chemo, and i was done, its been like 5 years, and im still going strong.


          my dad and i r hoping that the doctors r wrong in what they r saying. i wish they could figure out whats wrong with my mom. im the one who has always kept my family strong and together. im the shoulder they cry on and now i seem to be the one that needs a shoulder. my woman has been there for me for my friend and for my uncle. she was there for me with my ex-roommates and now for my dad and i feel bad that she is always going to be the shoulder i cry on. cause i will always be the shoulder my family crys on. im not a strong religious man by any means. but i am praying that my dad and my mom live many years more. my dad is hoping for a boy cause all he has is 1 other granddaughter. (my brother passed away 5 yrs ago). i guess i feel im loosing my family young and that sucks.

          i told my dad the names we picked out for the baby
          if its a girl
          daisy lynn richards
          if its a boy
          charles clay richards III

          daisy is my grandmas 1st name
          lynn is my gf's grandmas 1st name

          he was so excited to hear the names. oh and he

          Originally posted by minnesotapj
          Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
          price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
          Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
          The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
          *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...


            Originally posted by 5l1mm View Post
            theres good news.
            i was diagnosed with lymphnode cancer, it took 6 months of chemo, and i was done, its been like 5 years, and im still going strong.
            btw thats awsome news to hear and it gives me hope...ty

            thanxs guys

            Originally posted by minnesotapj
            Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
            price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
            Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
            The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
            *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...


              Originally posted by Turpro View Post
              Holy ****....I feel for you and your loved ones. That's about the best I can do. My grandmother has liver canser and was told she has 6-9 months to live and wanted to put her on kemo and all that crap as well. She told them no and now 5 yrs later she's still here. She not better but she's a trooper. Good luck in the future and keep your head up. Best wishes to you.
              i hope she gets better. and thanx

              Originally posted by minnesotapj
              Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
              price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
              Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
              The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
              *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...


                that really sucks to hear man, i wish you and your family all the best. i went through a really crappy time in my life as well, and the one thing that kept me going was by not letting myself get depressed. you have to find a way to not get down, and i know that in your current situation, youll feel that that is almost impossible, but i really encourage you to try your best. good luck again man
                "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"
                -Benjamin Franklin

                i wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself
                -dedicated to sling blade, aka, meltdownsky

                this is a horrible trick and should be deleted immedately - wheresthericego


                  Geez man, that's awful.

                  Just remember that you have a little one on the way. You can't lose hope now. Be strong for everyone else that is having a hard time, and keep focused on the positive.

                  Best wishes man, and keep us updated!


                    Without a doubt, try to focus on the future you'll have with your child...PEACE and STRENGTH, somehow things will come back around for you, your girlfriend, and your family (the new one may have to replace the old works like that sometimes)...what set the roommate off ?
                    If it can be done wrong, I will...somehow I always finish tearing things up before I can fix'em ...


                      my ex-roommates r ..........drama folks. lots of stuff happened in the house and i sat back and watched for almost a year only interfering when i felt someone was
                      in the extreme wrong. and thats when they would get upset.

                      ill try to explain though it is a long story.
                      this all happened within 10 months

                      here r there names and relations
                      amanda- dates mitch for last 6 yrs or so/ liar,slut,trailertrash!!
                      mitch- dates amanda for last 6 yrs or so/ hopeless
                      adam- amandas brother/ theif,liar
                      tyler- amandas friend from a job/ dumbass
                      emma- freinds wit amanda/ annoying
                      levi-emmas son/ cool kid
                      mandy-freind of amanda and mitch/ kinda bitchy
                      jesse-freind of amanda and mitch/asshole
                      me- freinds wit all the above/just another

                      so amanda talks to a family friend about moving into there country house.
                      so mitch, amanda, and jesse move in and pay the bills
                      jesse is almost never there. so i need a place to go cause my dad went postal and threatened to kick my ass if i didnt leave. so i call amanda and tell her whats going on and she says get what u can and get up here. we make an agreement that since im in school i dont have to pay rent just chip in when i can. the first 2 weeks im there i get up and clean then go to school. i get home and clean then go to bed.
                      i got tired of this. they wouldnt clean up after them selves. so i stopped. i then started chipping in on groceries. well tyler starts hang out wit amanda alot during and after work. mitch thinks somethings going on but cant prove it and when he confrots amanda she says stop being paraniod.
                      jesse stopped coming home except to change clothes or something. he gets booted for not cleaning.(and later the story changes to he raped a friend of amandas). well jesse was an ass so i pay no attention to it.(first mistake on my part). so mandy needs a place and can pay rent so she moves in. then tyler all of a sudden needs a place and moves in too. well tyler and amanda get drunk together for about 8 weekends in a row. dissapearing from the house for hours on end. again amanda says nothing is going on they r just chatting.(can we say bull****!!)
                      well mitch and amanda stopped having sex around the time tyler came in the picture. after 1 month of tyler moving in amanda gets pregnent!!!! guess what its tylers!!!!!omg shocker. she didnt tell mitch. tyler told her she needed to tell him. she didnt. well tyler find out he has herpes. and tells amanda. amanda starts sleeping with mitch. she dosent tell mitch anything. so tyler had it and sat mitch down and told him almost everything. the only thing he left out was the total amout of times they slept together. well mitch is pissed this is the 4th time she has cheated on him.
                      mitch doesnt leave!! (he is ****ing hopeless.) she some how justified it to him so he calmed down.(she is 1 hell of a liar). mandy and i got our asses reemed for getting involved. then amanda started a chore list that we where supposed to come home to do everyday.(home was about 50 miles north of mpls,mn.we all worked about 30+miles from home) this didnt work very well and mandy got kicked out for the same reason jesse did. (my second mistake getting involved and ignoring the pattern). i then started staying at my gf's apt. mainly cause i lost my dl. low and behold i almost get booted but am spared cause of my dl suspension.

                      well then adam moves in. and my stuff begins to disappear over the next few months. first some change in my room. then all the change in my car(180$).
                      then my rims. my craftsman ratchets. (fourth mistake is) i blame adam.

                      well emma moves in and her son levi. well she sides with amanda no matter what.
                      very annoying. well come to find out that amanda has changed the story about her and tyler.(fifth mistake) i tell the truth. the new story is that amanda is a swinger and mitch and her where on a break. also her and tyler only messed around for a week or 2. truth is that amanda and tyle where messing around for 3 months or so. i know when it started and i know when it ended the first time. in the middle of this is when she got pregnent.

                      well there is more but im going to skip some.

                      amandas baby is due late june early july. me and my gf r house huntting and find our house and r waitting to get it. we where suppose to move in june 6th. well the title wasnt cleared i tell amanda this. she doesnt belive me. well thats fine. june 13th comes and adam comes up to me and says we want u out by sunday.i look at him and say i will if we get the house by then. hes says no u have to be out by sunday so we can get the babys room ready. again i say srry if we dont close by then i cant. (this is when i find out they think im lying about the title) june 14th comes and we close so we can get the keys june 15th (my birthday). so we go get them and stop at my moms and find out my dad is ill. so i talked to him for an hour. then i go up to the house to start packing.(my plan is to stay the night at the old house. them move the rest of my stuff the next day.)

                      well they had different plans. at 7pm i start getting my stuff ready to go and take a laod and ask them to let me pack my own stuff. i get back and my stuff is almost all down stairs. at this point im pissed. and feel violated. so i finish moving my stuff with little to no help from anyone at 9am. my women was cussing me out cause of my ex-roommates. and i kept telling her dont say anything to them.(i wanted to make sure i got all my stuff out first.). well i left some car stuff there thinking i was going to come back after i got a nap in. but nope my trucks rear main seal went out on me. i made it to my new house and parked it. i called them the next day and let them know my dilemma. and they seemed ok with it. then the real bull**** started. around early july i started to get the 1am,6am phone calls saying they were missing stuff. i told em straight i didnt take it.(tools mainly) then i got yelled at cause i took the spices that i bought. well i then get told my stuff has to be off the property by 15 or i was going to have to pay them money for it being there.(o and she gave 40$ to put in my truck to get me out quicker, then later said it was a loan). i got it off the property and am missing alot of things but ill cut my loses.

                      tyler told my lil sis he would replace her clutch in her bmw. she gave him 30$ to have the flywheel turned. he said the shop said it was warpped and charged him 20$!! i brought it to the same shop and he said it cant be turned cause its a floater and charged me nothing. also said he in 30 yrs has never seen a warpped flywheel. so he owes my lil sis 30$.

                      so they r still hounding me for money and saying i took there stuff.
                      so basicly i would tell amanda or tyler they r wrong for something they did and would get in trouble by amanda. or if i talked to anyone about the situation i would get scalded.

                      too much drama for me................although i will tell the true story to every one.
                      unfortunitly i dont like to type this much so u guys got the edited version.
                      Last edited by frogi323; 07-18-2007, 01:24 AM.

                      Originally posted by minnesotapj
                      Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
                      price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
                      Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
                      The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
                      *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...


                        ****ty deal man.....

                        if you need to vent some more you know you are always welcome to do that here.
                        When you turn your car on... does it return the favor?

                        Originally posted by goldstar
                        Yes, still have it. It was my attempt to immortalize you in verse.

                        A Protege driver named Brock
                        Once said 7 seconds he'd clock.
                        So his engine he goosed
                        With much too much boost,
                        And drove a rod through his block.


                          best regards to you froggi I hope the best for you.
                          ---Has ClubProtege helped you in someway? show your support by Contributing--- Click Here---

                          1992- project FE3..... 313 WHP @ 9.3psi

                          I pet my dash when I get into the car..."good car"
                          he actually has a mazda tree, parts grow on it


                            thnx ryan. and this is becoming my rant thread huh.......hey ryan which yard we gonna hit up for the pull-a-thon???

                            Originally posted by minnesotapj
                            Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
                            price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
                            Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
                            The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
                            *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...


                              might not be going, Long may not be in town & i may be out of a place to crash. It also depends on inventory, id like to check it out on friday & have everything pulled if i could.
                              ---Has ClubProtege helped you in someway? show your support by Contributing--- Click Here---

                              1992- project FE3..... 313 WHP @ 9.3psi

                              I pet my dash when I get into the car..."good car"
                              he actually has a mazda tree, parts grow on it

