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Dont waste your life on drugs

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    Dont waste your life on drugs

    you see it all over the tv and news. you never ever think it will happen to you or your family, well my eyes have been opened up majorly. tonight i got home and got a email from my family. and then the phone call

    He died at the young age of 27 years old.

    None the less, I regret to inform you all that on the night of Oct 28th between the hours of 7pm and 9pm my younger brother suffered, what looks to be, a self inflected gun shot wound to the head.

    At 6:42pm he phoned a family friend and left a message.
    At 6:45pm he phoned his sister, and they talked for about 10 minutes.
    At 6:56pm he phoned the family friend again and spoke for several minutes.

    The topic of these conversations started with him admitting to being under the influence of 'shrooms.

    He went in to great detail of the epiphanies that he was having and he expressed his need to seek help with his bi-polar and unsatisfying lifestyle.

    He spoke of doing what ever it took to get his drivers license back, and that from now on he would be productive and successful.

    Religion was also a focus of his conversation, and He was excited to explore new and better ways of becoming more spiritual.

    My Aunt, found him when she returned home from work at 9:28pm. The house was in shambles. The large front window had been smashed and items from counter tops and dressers strung throughout the rooms.

    he was found slumped to the back door of the house, injured and half naked.

    My aunt, who hasn't had a phone in 5 years, ran to the neighbors and called the police.

    At 2am Tacoma PD came to my cousins and informed her that he was in ICU at Madigan Army Medical Center.

    Near by family and friends were notified, and his sister arrived at SeaTac at 10:15am.

    He showed no signs of brain activity in his 1st neurological exam. The 2nd exam showed great improvement, however the 3rd exam took us back to square one, and the final examination was preformed Wednesday afternoon around 4:30pm and he was pronounced brain-dead.

    He always spoke of being an organ donor, so his body remained on life support yesterday in order to sustain his organs for transplant.

    When we found his cell phone on Wednesday night we listened to several disturbing voice and text messages that lead us all to believe there could be more to this tragedy. Police have confiscated his cell phone for evidence.

    that is the email i received i have omitted his name in this for the family.

    so the next time you think not in my family just remember i thought the same thing until this tragedy happened
    Last edited by 90prtege; 10-30-2008, 10:58 PM.
    Check out the Pics
    Mazda's Rule Honda's Drool

    **** man, sorry to hear, my condolences.
    Too young too fast.

    Posted By: Wheresthericego

    The BP crank is made out of invincible.


      yea way way to young thanks its not the sympathy for me i want i just wanted to share the story and maybe open some peoples eyes maybe they know someone in thier family who is @ that stage and they can help them before its to late
      Check out the Pics
      Mazda's Rule Honda's Drool


        and thanks for the condolences i read my reply again and it sounded a lil rude sorry
        Last edited by 90prtege; 10-30-2008, 11:21 PM.
        Check out the Pics
        Mazda's Rule Honda's Drool


          My condolences to you and your family. It is indeed a very sad tragedy.


            Interesting you share this. I have a younger cousin in prison right now because of heroin. He doesn't feel like he can escape it, doesn't feel like there's a way to break free of the habit.

            I wish it was as easy as telling or showing him the right things to do, but my family has been doing that for 2 decades, and it's led him here. Not sure how to help him.
            No car! I soldz it. Now I have a truck. I like it, but apparently it has a hard time keeping up with a slightly modified 4WD protege with half the hp. Neat.


              yea thats the problem with the drugs they take over every sane part of a person and almost always turn them into a monster who cant stop. its one of those your dammed if you do and your dammed if you dont help or at least try to
              Check out the Pics
              Mazda's Rule Honda's Drool


                *moment of silence*

                sorry to hear. Surprised you didn't say anything to me in the last few days we've talked. Non the less I send out my condolences.
                1993 Protege LX-Midnight's shadow SOLD
                1996 Honda CBR600-Wrecked. Damn Honda crippled me
                2002 mazda MPV-family truckster SOLD
                2010 VW routon

                Originally posted by jay
                .....they totally underestimated the number of gearheads such as myself that have families but refuse to grow the hell up and stop playing with cars, or that otherwise see the utility of having 4 doors. Obviously I ain't alone, as there are a helluva lotta sti and evo here. Bueler? Beuler? Mazda? Mazda?


                  This is most tragic.Please accept my condolences to you and your family.
                  Powered by ACME


                    I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your borther. My thoughts go out to your and your family.

                    I've lost a lot of friends to drinking & drugs. I never knew Heroin was a problem in the Mid-West till a friend died of an overdose. Cocaine has turned some of my dear friends into inmates or all out wack-jobs. That's some crazy s**t. I've done shrooms a few times. I would not want to do them alone! It could turn bad for anyone in an instant. That's some powerful stuff!

                    I don't play around with illegal drugs anymore. There's no good in it! I do still drink. There's no good in that either... I've lost a few friends to drinking and I was in an accident related to drinking that should have killed me. My friend, who was driving, was killed instantly. Then my best friend committed suicide shortly there after while in a whiskey induced blackout. Why do we make such permanent decisions while we are chemically out of our mind?

                    Death is not a single action. There are repurcussions. Unfortunately, your brother's friends are probably going to use this as a reason to do drugs. Sad but true. I just hope that his friends can see the truth in this and not continue the cycle. I also hope that you and your family can celebrate your brother's life and not let this take over the life you still have to live.

                    Too often a situation like this causes a mother to live the rest of her life in hell.
                    miss my '93 LX at every corner
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                      ty who ever deleted that post
                      Check out the Pics
                      Mazda's Rule Honda's Drool


                        i am sorry to here of this. my good friend took his own life at a party this week also. also with a gunshot to the head. he was at a party and drinking .people say he just got up and walk to a room, locked his self in and ended his life. he was just 22 years old his funeral is this Friday. sad to say i cant bring my self to go. i hope you have more courage than me. my condolences go's out to both your families.

                        let there souls R.I.P
                        Last edited by 13thghost; 11-20-2008, 09:05 PM.
                        GOD INVENTED TURBO LAG TO GIVE THE V8 A CHANCE!!!!!


                          Sorry man. I really feel for you and your family. *more to say, just isn't time of place*
                          1992 Ultra Blue Metallic EGT - The 'scort with no name - crap>reliable daily>rallycross prep>stage rally
                          Featured in Rally Gearbox Magazine 3/1/11
                          "There's a hierarchy of insanity in motor sports. Normal people think all racers are crazy. Folks who race sedans think people in open-wheel cars are nuts. People who race cars of any kind think motorcycle racers are absolutely off theirs meds. But there's one group that everyone agrees is made up of the most extreme, the most daring, and absolutely craziest people in racing - rally racers."

