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Dearest Wife, this is what I want for Fathers Day.(Graphic NFFOH )

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    Dearest Wife, this is what I want for Fathers Day.(Graphic NFFOH )

    Every year you ask what I want for Father's Day with the kids (conveniently?) sitting right in front of us, and every year I provide G-rated suggestions because (call me a prude) its sorta not appropriate to ask for sexual favors in front of the kids. So in the off chance you're reading the rants or looking for a poolboy, even though we don't have a pool, here's what I really want:

    I want to wake up to you sucking my cock. Defined, this means that I'm asleep and you go down on me while I'm asleep, not after 45 minutes of me pretending to be asleep and dreaming of winning the blow job lottery. Please skip the requisite if-I-have-to sigh and eye rolling for one day.

    I want a breakfast including eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit. No carb-packed wheat-byproducts, nothing frozen, nothing out of a box, and especially nothing in individually wrapped servings.

    I want to have a fun day doing anything except what is on the honey-do list. Anything on the do-honey list is perfectly OK.

    Giving me grief while watching Nascar Sunday is not a good idea.
    Giving me head while watching Nascar Sunday is a great idea.
    Asking me to dig some holes in the backyard is not a good idea.
    Asking me to plug your hole in your backdoor is a great idea.
    Taking the kids out for a while and letting me nap would be nice.
    Taking my cock out and sucking it after my nap would be nicer.

    For dinner, I want a slab of red meat. Fresh, premium, not shrink wrapped. BBQ'd, not nuked or broiled. Rare. So rare a good veterinarian can revive it. A tall, cold beer. And fresh vegetables on the side, although it's unlikely I'll eat them, so I don't know why I bothered mentioning them.

    After the kiddies are asleep, I want sex. Uninhibited, sweaty, porn star sex. Gone for the night is the bored housewife in boring clothes reading a boring book, I am going to be the dominant male and you to be my submissive anything-to-please-daddy ****-slut.

    I want you wearing something erotic. Defined, 'erotic' includes leather, lace, high heels, crotchless, racy, etc. 'Erotic' probably includes that thing you bought for Valentines Day two years ago that never made it out of the drawer. 'Erotic' does not include baggy jammies, grandma underwear, furry slippers, sweatpants, sweatshirts, sweatsocks, or the asexual garments you wear the other 364 days.

    I want my cock sucked again, deep throated, like you can't get enough, and when I cum, I want you to savor it like it's Godiva white chocolate. Don't give me that 'it tastes funny'crap; lick it up and suck it up and smile all the way.

    I want you ****ing me like its the last dick you'll be getting for a while. Acceptable positions are on your knees, on top, doggie style, bent over, hanging from the ceiling, pretty much anything except missionary on the bed. Slap your ass cheeks, rub your clit, pinch your nipples, talk dirty, suck me often, and most importantly, finger your ass. Finger your ass until its ready for my cock, then beg for my cock up your ass and **** it like you did with your pussy.

    When I cum, yes, I'm cumming in your ass. I don't care if you get the runs tomorrow, I am cumming in your ass. Because it feels great. And then I'll **** your ass until I'm limp and resigned to waiting another 365 days to tap your ass again.

    Because Dear Wife, it's Father's Day, my day, and that's what I really want.

    live everyday like its your last!!!!
    90 DA9 project car
    93 BG2: daily beast

    i gotta tell my wife this asap so she can get ready...o wait im gonna wait till after mothers day lol...

    Originally posted by minnesotapj
    Cost of your fancy German built sports car $35k
    price of your fancy sun glasses to match your German built sports car $200 dollars
    Getting beat by a second hand 20 year old Japanese 4 door... Priceless!
    The only bummer about the world ending is that you can't turn to the person next to you and say "WOW! Did you see THAT?!!"
    *1. 85 accord hatch r.i.p. *2. 87 chevy s-10 r.i.p. *3. 91 dodge daytona r.i.p. *4. 91 labaron r.i.p. *5. 91 mazda 323..sold *6. 89 silverado sold *7. 94 mazda protege the works...



