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Big Brother is gonna be watching you

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    Originally posted by gambit686 View Post
    Canada is socialist. Youd have to be crazy to want to move to canada. The problem here is that a bunch of unedjucated ****s are who is doing most of are voting. People dont want and arent willing to learn what is actually going on. People my age just want to party and carry out there daily lives with no concern. They have no morals and are raised to not care about consequences and have no guidance. I am greatfull to have grandparents and the parents that I have. Look at all the gangbangers and 14 year old people having kids like crazy. Look at these peoples parents. Man that sure is a bad feeling knowing that those people will be running this place when im old. That is if the worlds actual super powers dont come instill a new government on us by then.

    The government Bought Banks, Car companies, All for a bigger plan. "there is a reason for this". This has already happened before. Look at Europe, People there were told where they would live, what car they would drive, what job they would have. Why do you think they flipped out when obama was pushing this horse **** health plan on us. Wait till you have a health problem and the government turns you away because you will cost too much money.

    I cant believe some of you dont think this is a big deal. They are inching further and further from completely stripping us of any rights we still have. Why? Because of people that either dont know, dont care, or think its not a big deal.
    I don't think it's this simple.

    We live in a representative democracy so we vote for our government officials. The same government that is supposed to be "for and by the people". An argument that seems to be more consistent with the facts I see is that the capitalist component of our country has become so powerful that they're able to affect policy in any way they choose, as if they were speaking for vast groups of people. In actuality, they're representing money, not people.

    You can be as socially fanatical as you want but if you start trying to affect the money, you are suddenly a communist or worse. If the government tries to intervene as our current administration has, you start hearing sound bites like, "redistribution of wealth", and "gov is the problem", and so on.

    Public media is under attack now more than ever while corporate owned media is going great guns. IMO, the downfall of the public trust is an analogy to the downfall of our government trust. While we constantly have to renew ourselves to serve and to be pertinent, the immortal corps always serve their basic charter, PROFIT.

    Old money gets bigger and more powerful no matter who represents us.

    I'm not going to speak of this anymore as Turpro made a subtle request of me when I came back to this forum. iMazda went through a terrible struggle with politics and I think that at least helped with it's downfall. I have no wish to see CP go down that same road.
    1991 Protege LX with GTX swap, DD
    1990 4WD Protege with GTX swap, Project/garage decoration
    2006 Mazda 3 with 2.3, Her car
    1980 Ford F100 Short bed with 300ci 6 cylinder, work truck/home for moss


      I'm not going to speak of this anymore as Turpro made a subtle request of me when I came back to this forum. iMazda went through a terrible struggle with politics and I think that at least helped with it's downfall. I have no wish to see CP go down that same road.[/QUOTE]

      Alright I'll leave it alone then.


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        1992- project FE3..... 313 WHP @ 9.3psi

        I pet my dash when I get into the car..."good car"
        he actually has a mazda tree, parts grow on it

